Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stations of the Cross

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you.
Because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

Lord Jesus, Good Friday is the day of darkness,
the day of blind hatred.
But Good Friday is not the final word, the final word is Easter,
the triumph of life.

Lord Jesus, Holy Saturday is the day of emptyness,
the day of bewilderment and dread.
But Holy Saturday is not the final day, the final day is Easter,
the Light that is kindled anew.

Lord Jesus, it only takes a single step.
A single step, and peace could return to our families.
A single step, and the needy would no longer be alone.
A single step, and the suffering could feel a hand reaching out to them.
A single step, and the poor could find a place at table.
Lord Jesus, help us to take that step.

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