Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Living Example

His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama was in town today. Although he spoke less than a block from my office, I was unable to attend the two hour event. The guy that works for me asked first, and we didn’t feel that both of us should be gone at the same time. He did bring me a pamphlet however, and printed on the welcome page is;

Your Holiness,

We thank you for giving us this precious teaching on Eight Verses for Training the Mind. We are humbled by your kind generosity and fortunate to be in your gracious presence.

Thank you also for your tireless efforts, unbounded love, and compassion for all sentient beings. You are not only our hope and inspiration, but a living symbol of loving kindness, tolerance, and forgiveness. May we be blessed with many opportunities to receive your teachings, and may you live long.

May we become better human beings by following your example.


Ven. Thupten Donyo
on Behalf of all Participants

The Dalai Lama’s travels have taken him throughout the world to share his pragmatic approach to a more peaceful future and engage in dialogue with religious, political, and scientific leaders. I, like so many others, am grateful for his enduring efforts as a humanitarian and advocate for peace and non-violence. We should praise and thank everyone who, like him, work tirelessly for peace and justice in the world.

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