Lectio divina is a slow contemplative praying of the Scriptures which enables the Bible, the Word of God, to become a means of union with God. Its only goal is to bring you into the presence of God by praying the Scriptures. The art of lectio divina begins with cultivating the ability to be silent and to listen deeply. Allow yourself to hear the still small voice, the “faint murmuring sound” (1 Kings 12:12) which is God touching our hearts.
Read - What is going on in the text?
Pick a reading or a text that interests you; read and re-read it slowly, attentively, and quietly, listening to discover a word or phrase that holds your attention.
Pick a reading or a text that interests you; read and re-read it slowly, attentively, and quietly, listening to discover a word or phrase that holds your attention.
Meditate - What is the text saying to you?
Allow the word or phrase to become God’s word for you at this moment, and repeating it gently let it touch you and affect you at your deepest level.
Allow the word or phrase to become God’s word for you at this moment, and repeating it gently let it touch you and affect you at your deepest level.
Pray - What do you want to say to God about the text?
Allow the word or phrase that you are pondering to change you, by offering to God those thoughts or parts of yourself that you have not previously shared.
Contemplate - What difference does this text make in your life?
Return to silence, let go of the word or phrase and simply enjoy the experience of being in the presence of God’s transforming embrace.
Return to silence, let go of the word or phrase and simply enjoy the experience of being in the presence of God’s transforming embrace.
Together with our daily labor, time set aside for this simple liturgy enables us to discover the underlying spiritual rhythm in our daily lives. Within this rhythm we can offer more of ourselves to our relationship with God, and more fully embrace what He is continuously extending to us in the person of Jesus Christ.
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