Saturday, February 16, 2013


My wife shared this with our family, about an early morning trip to the local market for a few items. She encountered a clerk stocking the shelves who asked the usual question, “Are you finding everything you need?”. My wife said that she was too distracted because of family problems to focus on what she needed, but she didn’t go into any details. The clerk had a sad look, and told her that he was thinking about his family too. Then he went on to say that we may be asking too much from our children: Wisdom comes with experience after all, and that comes with age. Understanding and forgiveness are things that we learn more about as we grow older in life. He admited that looking back at himself at an earlier age, he realized that his focus was on himself, and that he lacked empathy and understanding for the needs of others. He said that there isn’t anything we can do to change our children, except to pray for God to guide them and to set the best example that we can. To him, setting a good example meant placing the bar pretty high, and letting God do the rest.
For some people starting out the day is a challenge from the moment they wake up. From the moment we start our day each of us is setting an example for our family, as we get up and get ready they see what we are doing: We are preparing the day for them as well. Each of us is setting an example for how those around us should be acting in their day, and we are setting up how they will act towards others just by how we act towards them. The effect we have on the people around us is huge, even if we do not realize it! We influence the people around us all the time, and that influence can be good or it can be bad. If we conduct our lives with this in mind then setting a good example is much easier, and those around us cannot help but be influenced by this, no matter what they say. Don’t discount the effect you can achieve on others simply by setting a good example in your own right.
I used to think that the decision (A or B) was less important that simply making one and moving forward. Nevertheless, just picking one (A or B) was almost impossible for me because making the right choice seemed so important. In fact, sometimes waiting for circumstances to force my choice seemed like the best plan. Now I realize that "just picking one" is not the correct way to go, and neither is waiting for circumstances; we must consult God and ask for direction to make the right choice. Most of the time the answer to our decision can be found when we apply prayer to it, because prayer brings hope to the situation which helps us decide the correct route. When we set an example for others, in prayer and patience, the Lord will enable us to make the right decision. Be aware that when we are contemplating what God wants us to do He is setting the bar pretty high, it may be hard for us: Yet it will lead to the most fulfilling experience. When we are praying for direction we are setting a good example by choosing hope, and that example includes what God wants in our lives. Don't be tempted to think that you can solve your problems on your own, only God can show us the right way to move our lives forward. His direction shows The Way for all, so don't be afraid to set the bar high, be a good example, and let God do the rest.

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