Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Deja Vu

Well that's it! My last class was a few weeks ago, only this time it really is my very last class. I know that probably sounds familiar. You're safe in believing that you've read that first line before; or something very similar. I enjoyed the ILM experience and couldn't help myself when I had the opportunity to take another class. I really enjoyed the Liturgy class and I enjoy talking about it with the people in my Parish who ask about my ILM experience.
The word Déjà vu, comes from the French and it means "already seen"; usually it is explained as the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened or not. It's a little scary to think that early researchers tried to establish a link between déjà vu and serious mental disorders, but you'll be glad to hear they determined "there does not seem to be a special association between déjà vu and schizophrenia or other psychiatric conditions (thank goodness ... right!)".
You might also remember that I wrote, "This has been the story of my personal journey for truth, knowledge, and wisdom, but as with all great stories and epic journeys ... it's really just the begining." After that post I was asked to be the RCIA Coordinator in my Parish and it's going well. RCIA isn't new for me: I went through the program in this Parish and was confirmed at the Easter Vigil in 2004. After that I was a member of the team for a few years, and as of this recent Easter Vigil I've been Catholic for 10 years.
Also as of this recent Easter Vigil, my first group of eight participants are now fully Catholic themselves. We're in Mystagogy now and everyone is doing well. Although many experiences have prepared me for this service I would like to note (once again) how much the ILM program has meant to me. I learned a lot that applies to what I'm trying to share with those who are on their own journey for truth, knowledge, and wisdom.

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