Saturday, August 4, 2012


I believe that we own nothing, and that we are the stewards of everything.

The American Indian understood that we don't own anything and that we must take care of everything, but the European settlers brought a totally different attitude with them, and today consumerism is rampant. Nevertheless, I learned a long time ago that we really don't own anything. The car we drive or the house we live in aren't really ours, we're simply the caretakers. To keep the car reliable and fun to drive we have to maintain it. To keep the house livable and clean we have to maintain it. We pretend that these things are ours, but when you realize that someday they'll belong to someone else, it's becomes obvious that our ownership is temporary. In the meantime someone has to maintain all this stuff.

In case you haven't figured it out yet that someone is you: You're just the current caretaker.

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