Saturday, December 3, 2011

Blessed are Those Called to the Supper

Excerpts from the book, A Guide to the New Translation of The Mass written by Edward Sri, S.T.D. and printed by Ascension Press in 2011.

In the previous translation of this prayer, the priest said the words, “Happy are those who are called to this supper” as he held up the Eucharistic host shortly before Holy Communion. The new translation, using the words “Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb” highlights even more how the Eucharist is no ordinary meal.

In the new translation, the priest at Mass more clearly echoes the angel’s invitation to the heavenly wedding supper of the lamb, found in Revelation 19:9. Here, we see how the Eucharist we are about to receive involves an intimate, loving communion with our Lord Jesus, one that is likened to the union shared between husband and wife.

Along with these short weekly posts detailing some of the more obvious changes, I'm presenting an indepth look at the Mass. You can find it below the Written Assignments section in the right hand column.

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